Saturday, September 24, 2011


Awwww..I'm flattered & So happy..(no you really can't imagine how-happy-I am)
Thanks to Jacque at .. I couldn't believe my eyes this morning. I was given an award.. This may not have happened since 8th grade!!! A million thank-you-s- to Jacque..
she has a fabulous blog so the award is extra sweet coming from her!


                                                  This is what the award is all about:
                                        I Heart Your Blog  Award: (so sweet I had to share)
A dear friend of mine taught me a profound lesson several years ago when she shared her personal mantra,

"There Is Only Love". Since then, I have realized that by adopting this mantra in my own life, I have changed my whole approach to everything I experience. That being said, as a total newbie to the teacher's blogging world, I discovered this gold mine of amazingly creative and talented teachers out here in cyber space. There are so many of you spreading the teaching Love around the globe by sharing your ideas and experiences. I just had to create a blog award to celebrate those of you who have touched my heart and inspired me, increasing my LOVE of teaching.
                                  Thank you for sharing your talent with   the world! 
                               (OK, I keep finding soooo many of you to love!!!)
1. Give the "I Heart Your Blog "Award to your favorite Top 10 Blogs that have touched your heart and inspired your teaching by listing them on your blog.
2. Contact that person and let them know of their heartfelt award.
3. When you receive the award,
copy and paste the graphic on your                                                        
 blog and give a shout out to  the person who nominated you.
4. Spread the LOVE by passing the "Heart Your Blog" Award on your Top 10.
        MY TOP TEN:
           (this was tough!)

                                                          Charmed in the Third Grade
     Ladybug's Teacher Files                                             Teaching Blog Addict

                                                        3rd Grade's a HootPhotobucket

                                     Caffeinated Conclusions
                              Castles and Crayons                     

A BIG HUG to Mommy & Me Creations for  giving me the award!


  1. thanks for the shout out friend! i looooooove ur blog too... u know that already! :)

  2. OMG! Thank you sooooo much! I am just giddy with excitement! I'm doing the *happy dance*.


  3. Oh you are SO sweet!! Thank you for this AWESOME award! What an honor:)

  4. Melissa, thank you so much for this honor! I just love your blog, the best of both worlds!!!
