I'm linking up with fun in room 4b to tell ya' about my fabulous Friday finds!
What a fantastic party! Link up with Elizabeth & show everyone your Fabulous finds...
My first find that I can't seem to stop obsessing over - are these adorable notebooks.
My next find that makes me smile from ear to ear, is my 1st day back icebreaker activity.
I'm thrilled that my class will have something FuN to do.
(will look simply adorable displayed on their desks)
Thanks for linking up! Those notebooks are precious. And, I've been eying that back to school activity from Really Good Stuff, too.
We bought our outdoor table and chairs last year about this time (clearance). Yours looks a lot like mine. I love it!
Fun in Room 4B
I love your blog! I am a secret fashonista and live it everyday through my teenagers!! hahah. I am giving you the Versatile Blogger award! Stop by my blog to claim it!
A Passion For Primaryrene'
I love those cubes, where did you get them?
I am your newest follower!
Fancy Free in Fourth
Cute notebooks and ME cube! I enjoyed your personal purchases too-we DO have lives outside of school (even though sometimes it doesn't feel like it!) We teach K and 3rd, we're happy to find your blog through the Fabulous Find linky party, and we're your newest follower! :)
The REAL Teachers of Orange County
I love your icebreaker cube, your kids will have a great time doing it and then sharing and/or comparing answers with their friends.
I'm your newest follower.
Kelly @ I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher
The cube is awesome, seems like it could get a bit expensive to get one for each student. I’m your newest follower. Please check out my blog if you get a chance. Calling Plays in 2nd Grade.
Thanks, Shanell
I LOVE your new outdoor set! We ended up getting one that's not as pretty, but it was affordable, so what can ya do? :) Our old table was destroyed by one of our hailstorms back in April. Our insurance company gave us $100 to replace it. Seriously? Do they KNOW how much outdoor furniture is??? LOL.
Anyway, I LOVE your blog and would love to pass on some bloggy awards to you--stop by my blog!
I love the cube!
Sprinkles to Kindergarten
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