I see evidence of my students using their VOICE in writing! (I'm more excited than you can imagine)
I'm sure it has a lot to do with my devotion to
modeling & using mentor texts,
(which was a personal goal of mine this year!)
I have to thank Kevin Henkes for creating amazing characters for me to model..I feel like LILLY has become part of my family...
I reference her about a zillion times a day!
So..my students are generating ideas,
using voice and now my next
BIG dilema !!..Staying Focused! ugggg..
I've decided to intertwine reading test prep and writing workshop!
My class is trained to understand what the story is
"mostly about' by looking at the title, while reading.
so.. I have begun to teach my students....
They'll want to choose a title thats "just right" (GOLDILOCKS RULE)
for what they are dealing with.
You may want to give them some examples of titles that are too big, too small, and just right!
Student wants to write about a lost cat:* Lost (too big)
* My Cat (too small)
* Fluffy gets Lost (just right)
I did not invent the GOLDILOCKS RULE, although I haven't heard of this before last week it is a lesson taught for writers struggling to stay focused, from the Four Blocks Model!
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